Stella Online Language Support (S.O.S.)
English Trainers' Profiles
富士山・Mount Fuji
こんにちは。私は20年以上英語を教えており、すでに日本は私の故郷となっています。 語学教育のキャリアに加え、経営学の修士号を取得しており、ビジネスに関連する実践や問題解決など、語学+
ビジネスの両面でお客様をサポートする特別な専門知識を持っています。 日本語に堪能ですので、あらゆる英語力レベルの生徒様を
Hi! I have been teaching English for over 20 years, and I have made Japan my home. In addition to my language teaching career, I have a Master’s in Business Administration, therefore I have particular expertise in supporting clients with business related practice and solutions. Also, I am fluent in Japanese so I can support students of all English proficiency levels. I can also speak Chinese. I understand very well the challenges of learning a new language and a new culture and I am confident that I can provide you with practical support that will produce good results. I create a strict but warm atmosphere that will help you stay motivated. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goal.
東京タワー・Tokyo Tower
こんにちは。私は2014年から英語を教えていますが、それは私の人生の最大の情熱の1つです。 私のキャリアの中で、常に生徒のニーズは何かということを念頭に置き、大切にしながら、これまでさまざまな大学において、一般および特定技能の英語、TOEIC、プレゼンテーションのレッスンを、オンラインや対面など、多様な方法で「教えること」に取り組んできました。また、翻訳業務(英語とポルトガル語)においても活躍中です。 英語は人生の目的を達成するための強力なツールです。 私の日本語レベルは初級ですので、英語能力が中級以上の能力をお持ちの皆さまをサポートさせていただき。 ご予約を心よりお待ちしております。
Hi! I have been teaching English since 2014 and it is one of the biggest passions of my life. During my career, I have worked in many different contexts, online and onsite, always committed to the needs of my students. That includes, general and specific English, TOEIC and Oral Presentation lessons in various universities, and also as a translator (both in English and Portuguese language). English has been a
powerful tool to achieve my objectives in life. My Japanese level is elementary so I can support students from pre-intermediate English level and upwards. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goal, too.
厳島神社・Itsukushima Shrine
こんにちは。私はニュージーランドと日本両国で、20年近く英語を教えてきました。 私のこれまでの知識と経験は一般英語とビジネス英語の両方をカバーしていますが、特に、ビジネスパーソン向けのライティングとプレゼンテーションのスキルアップを専門、得意としています。 また、執筆とテレビ業界での経歴があり、英語で
効果的に表現する方法など、非常に役立つアドバイスを提供できるものと確信しています。 皆さまに達成感を感じてもらい、常に
前向きでやる気を維持できるように支援しています。中級レベルの日本語会話能力がありますので、英語能力が初級の生徒の方からサポートが可能です。 あなたの目標を達成するサポートは、私に
Hi! I have been teaching English for almost 20 years, I have taught in New Zealand and in Japan. My knowledge and experience cover both general and business English, and I specialize in supporting business professionals improve their writing and presentation skills. I have a background in writing and television so I am confident that I can provide you with advice and tools that will be very relevant and effective. I want my students to feel a sense of achievement and I always help them to stay positive and motivated.
I have pre-intermediate conversational Japanese so I can support students from elementary English level and upwards. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goal.
嵐山 竹林の小径・Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
こんにちは。私は医学の博士号を持つ教育者として、一般英語はもちろん、医学英語にも広く詳しい知識を保持しています。 また、
Hi! As an academic with a PhD in Medical Sciences I have gained an excellent knowledge of general and medical English. Also, I have experience with taking English certification tests and I have good ability to gauge my students abilities and adjust to their needs. I am well trained in presentation skills and general writing. I can help you polish your presentation, speeches, articles and letters. My Japanese level is elementary so I can support students from pre-intermediate English level and upwards. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goal.
姫路城・Himeji Castle
こんにちは。私はCELTA認定の教師で、英語学習者のみなさまとともに語学習得に取り組み、教育に貢献することにとても情熱を感じています。 私自身、英語教育の修士号を取得した学者として、語学の学習プロセスや、さまざまなタイプの学習者、また、いろいろな学習方法などを理解するのに十分な理論や知識を習得して
おります。 EFLの教師として4年間従事し、200人以上の生徒に教えてきました。 学習に対する豊富なアプローチにより、これまで
担当した皆さまはとてもはやく上達し、満足な結果を得ていらっしゃいます。 プレゼンテーションスキル、学術的文章の作成、一般ライティングについて、十分なトレーニングを積んでおり、また得意分野ですので、きれいな英語表現を使用した、「プレゼンテーション」、「スピーチ」、「ジャーナル記事」、「メール作成」などでお困りの方、ぜひお手伝いをさせていただきます。 私の日本語レベルは中級です。英語能力が初心の方に対応可能です。 あなたの目標達成のアシストができることを楽しみにしています。
Hi! I am a passionate, CELTA certified, teacher, who loves working with English language learners and contributing to their language development. As an academic with a MA in English language education I have gained ample theoretical knowledge to understand the language learning process and the different types of language learners, and their learning preferences. I have been working as an EFL teacher for 4 years and have taught more than 200 students. My approach to learning enables my students to improve quickly and achieve meaningful results. I am well trained in presentation skills and both academic and general writing, so I can help you polish your presentations, speeches, journal articles and emails. My Japanese level is intermediate so I can support students from elementary English level and upwards. I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goals.
六本木ヒルズ・Roppongi Hills
こんにちは! 私は非常に情熱的かつ熱心な、TEFL認定の英語教師です。特に、英語初心者として一歩を踏み出した方々が、上級レベルに到達するまでの道のりをサポートするのが好きです。人が進歩し、向上していく過程に立ち会えるというのは素晴らしいですことですよね。私自身、英語をはじめとする言語学を専攻し、大学レベルの学位を取得しました。みなさんがどのように言語を習得するのかを理解していく中で、自身の英語力も磨いています。私の教授法はいたってシンプルです。それは、それぞれの学習者のニーズに
スピーチ、プレゼンテーションを得意としています。 みなさんが
Hello! I am a very enthusiastic, TEFL certified English teacher who is passionate about English. I am especially fond of supporting people with their first steps as a beginner and helping them reach an advanced level of English. It is amazing to see someone progress and improve. As an English and Linguistics major, I have gained University level understanding of how people acquire language while also sharpening my English skills. My teaching method is simple: adapting to the needs of each student so that every lesson and consultation produces effective results. Thanks to my academic background, I have built up a good knowledge and practical skill in academic writing, speeches, and presentation skills. I am confident that I can help you improve and excel in these areas of learning, too. I do not have any Japanese skills yet, so I can support students with a pre-intermediate English level and upwards. I am excited to meet you so that we can level up your abilities and confidence in the English Language.
日比谷公園・Hibiya Park
Hi! I am Japanese and I grew up in the US, have been living in France. For several years, I have taught English to Japanese students living in France, as well as to French students who needed help in English.
I can help you with correct pronunciation (both English and French), writing English emails with suitable phrases. I have worked in advertising in New York City, and public relations in Paris. And if you were interested in learning French, I would be happy to get you started or brush up what you already have! Naturally, my Japanese is native, so it can be helpful in order to avoid any misunderstanding or to understand the nuance of expressions. For English, I can very well provide assistance to beginner level to business level students. For French, I can
support beginners to advanced level. I look forward to meeting you and assisting you!